9 days Northern circuit route

9 Days/ 8 nights trek northern circuit route.

The Northern Circuit route is one of the best routes on Kilimanjaro, offering nearly 360 degrees of beautiful scenery including the quiet, rarely visited northern slopes. As the longest route on Kilimanjaro, the Northern Circuit allows for the best acclimatization time and the highest summit success rate, therefore this route is highly recommended.
The route approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the west, beginning with a long drive from Moshi to Londorossi Gate. From there, the first two days are spent trekking through the rainforest to Shira Ridge, before crossing the Shira Plateau. The route then heads north and circles clockwise from Moir Hut to Buffalo Camp to School Hut, before summiting from the east.

  • Duration: 8, 9 or 10 days
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Scenery: Excellent
  • Traffic: Low
Upon arrival to Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will be met with Alpine chat adventure representative and transferred for overnight accommodation at HOTEL IN MOSHI B&B. Your head guide will meet you for your briefing, gear check and arrange for you to hire any equipment you may need.

Itenerary (Day by Day)

DAY 1: LEMOSHO GATE((2,389/7838ft) MTI MKUBWA CAMP (2,785/9137ft))

Altitude gained: 396m

The Northern Circuit Route begins at Londorossi Gate (2,100 meters) in the West, the same start point as the Lemosho Route. The drive to Londorossi Gate takes approximately two hours from Moshi and considerably longer from Arusha. Registration with the Kilimanjaro National Park authorities occurs at the gate and then you will be driven further up the mountain to the trailhead starting point. Most tour operators serve lunch here before the short first day trek to MtiMkubwa Camp (2,785 meters) begins. You may get lucky and spot large wildlife like elephant and buffalo that sometimes emerge from the rainforest onto the path as you trek towards your first camp. Dinner will be served when you reach MtiMkubwaCamp.
Distance: ~4.8km / 3 miles
Trekking time: 3-4 hours
Zone: Rainforest

DAY 2: MTI MKUBWA CAMP (2785m/ 9137ft) - SHIRA I CAMP (3504m/ 11496ft)

Altitude gained: 719m

You will spend the first hour trekking through the last section of rainforest path before entering the low alpine moorland zone which follows up onto the Shira Plateau. The trek is relatively short and gradual, ending at Shira Camp 1 (3,504 meters).
Distance: ~7.9km / 5 miles
Trekking time: 5-6 hours
Zone: Rainforest / Low Alpine Zone

DAY 3: SHIRA I CAMP –SHIRA II CAMP: 6.9km/4mi | 3-4hrs | Low Alpine

Elevation: 3504m/11,496ft to 3895m/12,779ft
Altitude gained: 391m
Our trek crosses the Shira one of the highest plateaus on Earth, from Shira I Camp to Shira II Camp. Nine-day climbs will stay the night at Shira II Camp joining climbers ascending from the Machame Route. At Shira II Camp it is worth the extra energy to go a bit higher up the plateau to enjoy the stunning view across the valley below and view the Western Breach of Kilimanjaro above. The plateau is exposed so be prepared for a cold night with temperatures getting below zero. Note: 8 Day Climbs continue east to Shira Plateau Ridge to Lava Tower (4,600 meters) and descend to Moir Camp (4,200 meters)

DAY 4: SHIRA II CAMP- LAVA TOWER - MOIR: 17.7km/11.1mi | 5-7hrs | High Alpine

Elevation: 3895m/12,779ft to 3986m/13,077ft
Altitude gained: 91m
Although you end the day around the same elevation as when you began, this day is very important for acclimatization. From Shira Plateau we continue east up a ridge, passing the junction towards the Kibo peak before we then continue, South East towards the Lava Tower, called the “Shark’s Tooth” (elev. 4650m/15,250ft). Shortly after the tower we come to a second junction, which leads to the Arrow Glacier. We then continue to descend to overnight at Barranco Camp.

DAY 5: MOIR CAMP (4,155m/13,632ft) TO BUFFALO CAMP (4,033m/13,232ft)

Altitude lost: 122m

Today its involves a moderately steep climb out of Moir Valley. Trekkers can take a small detour here to climb the summit of Little Lent Hill at 4,375 meters before returning to the Northern Circuit trail. From here the route follows a series of inclines and declines, skirting around the northern slopes of Kibo to Buffalo Camp (4,033 meters).The trek gives great vistas out across the plains that lie north of Kilimanjaro and stretch out to the Kenyan / Tanzanian border. You will arrive at Buffalo Camp just after midday, where you will have lunch and have time to rest after a long day hiking.
Distance: ~9.2km / 5.8miles
Trekking time: 5-7 hours
Zone: High alpine zone

DAY 6: BUFFALO CAMP (4033m/13,232ft) – RONGAI 3RD CAVE (3,936m/12,193ft)

Altitude lost: 97m

Starts with a climb up the Buffalo ridge and down into Pofu Camp where lunch is usually served. The route then continues east around the northern slopes to the Rongai Third Cave at 3,936 meters. The trek is shorter than the day before and by now you should be feeling well acclimatized to the altitude. You will arrive at the Third Cave just around mid-afternoon
Distance: ~6.8km / 4.3miles
Trekking time: 5-7 hours
Zone: High alpine zone and low alpine zone

DAY 7: RONGAI 3RDCAVE (3936m/12913ft) – SCHOOL HUT (4717m/15,476ft)

Altitude gained: 781m

Today its involves a steady incline up and over the Saddle which sits between the peaks of Kibo and Mawenzi Peak. Trekkers then continue walking south-west up to School Hut (4,800 meters). After arriving at School Hut you will be served an early dinner and then you should get some shut-eye as you will be awoken before midnight to start your summit attempt. Remember to prepare all your gear, including warm clothes, insulated water bottles, snacks, headlamp and camera before going to bed.
Distance: ~4.8km / 3miles
Trekking time: 4-5 hours
Zone: High alpine zone and glacial zone

DAY 8: SCHOOL HUT (4717m/15476ft) – SUMMIT (5,895 m/19341ft) – MILLENIUM CAMP (3,827 m/12556ft)

Altitude gained: 1178m

Altitude lost: 2068m (descent)

Excitement is building as morning comes with an early start between midnight and 2 a.m. This is the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek.
We continue our way to the summit between the Rebmann and Ratzel glaciers trying to stay warm and focused of the amazing sense of accomplishment that lies ahead. With a switchback motion in a northwesterly direction and ascend through heavy scree towards Stella Point on the crater rim. You will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise during your short rest here. Faster hikers may view the sunrise from the summit. From here on your remaining 1 hour ascent to Uhuru Peak, you are likely to encounter snow all the way.
Congratulations, one step at a time you have now reached Uhuru Peak the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the entire continent of Africa!
After photos, celebrations and maybe a few tears of joy we take a few moments to enjoy this incredible accomplishment. We begin our steep descent down to Millennium Camp, stopping at Barafu for lunch and a very brief rest. We strongly recommend gaiters and trekking poles for uncooperative loose gravel and volcano ash terrain. Well-deserved rest awaits you to enjoy your last evening on the mountain. Overnight Millennium Camp.
Distance: ~5.9km / 3.7 miles ascent and 8.4km / 5.2 mile descent
Trekking time: 6-8 hours ascent and then 4-6 hour descent
Zone: Glacial zone and all preceding zones

DAY 9: MILLENIUM CAMP 3827m/12,556ft - MWEKA GATE 1633m/5358ft – MOSHI 970m

Altitude lost: 2194m

After breakfast and a heartfelt ceremony of appreciation and team bonding with your crew it’s time to say goodbye. We continue the descent down to the Mweka Park Gate to receive your summit certificates. As the weather is drastically warmer, the terrain is wet, muddy and steep and we highly recommend Gaiters and trekking poles.
From the gate, a vehicle will meet to drive you back to your hotel in Moshi (about 30 minutes). Enjoy a long overdue hot shower, dinner and celebrations!!
Distance: ~12.2km / 7.6 miles
Trekking time: 3-4 hours
Zone: Rainforest zone Overnight HOTEL IN MOSHI B&B. before being transferred to your journey home, safari or relaxing trip to Zanzibar.


As Alpine chat adventure we believe that tourism industry has an obligation and a great opportunity to protect the world’s natural habitats, cultural heritage sites and communities. We actively promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
As a Partner for Responsible Travel, we are proud to raises public awareness to ensure proper treatment of porters on Kilimanjaro and assists implementing procedures that ensure fair and ethical treatment of the portersthrough fair salaries, mountain equipment, food, clothing and sleeping conditions for crew members.
Every climb is audited to ensure crewmembers are provided proper salaries, tips, food, equipment and sleeping conditions. We think it’s pretty great and our clients do as well, check out our Trip advisor profile to see what people are saying about us.


Standard Package.
Accommodation at either, Park view hotel, Chanya lodge or Bristol cottage.
Northern Circuit 9 day 8 nights $ 2,700 per person.
Single supplement charge $ 70

per person

1 PAX 2-3 PAX 4-5 PAX 6+ PAX
from $2,700 from $ 2,660 from $ 2,465 from $ 2,425


All quotations are based on the current rates of national park fees, value added tax (VAT), other government taxes and current exchange rates.
In the event that any of these are increased or a new tax introduced, these increases will be added to the cost of your trip even if your trip has been paid for already.
All quotations are based on double occupancy for the pre- and post-trek accommodation and double occupancy on the trek itself. A single supplement fees applies for a client in group who wishes to have pre- and post-trek accommodation in a single room and his/her own tent during the trek.

im Trekking -Paket enthalten:


  • Lead Guide (en), Assistant Guide (en), für 2+ Personen.
  • Englisch sprechend und Wildnis Ersthelfer ausgebildet
  • Kochen, Träger, Geräte, persönliches Kundengepäck (15 kg pro Kunde)
  • Das Verhältnis der Träger pro Kunde beträgt 4 bis 5.
  • Ausrüstung

  • Schlafzelt, 3-Personen-Größe für 2 Personen
  • Schlafmatte, 2-Zoll-Schaum
  • Kissen
  • begehbares Esszelt und Tisch
  • Backed Chairs
  • Wäsche des Beckens jeden Morgen und Abend mit heißem Wasser
  • Private tragbare Toilette mit Toilettenpapier
  • Essen & Getränk

  • Drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag und Nachmittagssnack während der Wanderung
  • Vegetarier, vegan und glutenfrei auf Anfrage
  • behandeltes Trinkwasser (mindestens 3 l pro Tag während des Trekkings mit zusätzlichem Wasser im Camp)
  • Kaffee und Tee während der Wanderung
  • Gesundheit und Sicherheit

  • Pulsoximeter
  • Krankheitstchecklisten der Höhe
  • Erste -Hilfe -Kit
  • Notsauerstoff
  • Vorbereitung & Gebühren

  • Kilimanjaro -Nationalparkgebühren und Mehrwertsteuer
  • Camping/Hütte, Rettung, Erhaltung und Steuern
  • Faire und nachhaltige Gehaltsbesatzungslöhne
  • Briefing vor dem Trek mit Ihrem Leitfaden
  • Unterkunft & Transfers

  • Flughafenübertragung zwischen Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) und Moshi
  • Hin- und Rücktransfer zwischen Moshi und dem Park Gate
  • Hotelaufenthalte in Moshi Pre- und Post-Trek (insgesamt 2 Nächte) auf Bed & Breakfast.
  • vom Trekking -Paket ausgeschlossen:

  • Tribuities/Tipps
  • persönliche Trekkingausrüstung wie Schlafsack und Kleidung
  • bevorzugte Getränke (Wasser, Soda und Alkohol in Hotels)
  • Zusätzliche Unterkunft oder Mahlzeiten infolge der frühen Abstammung
  • Tansania -Eintrittsvisum
  • Reiseversicherung
  • inländische oder internationale Flüge
  • Kosten persönlicher Natur
  • persönliche Mietausrüstung wie Trekkingstangen, Schlafsäcke usw.
  • persönliches Geld für Souvenirs usw.
  • Beachten

    Empfohlene Tippanleitung

    Tipping ist für alle Mitglieder Ihrer Bergcrew am Mount Kilimanjaro üblich. Obwohl sie einen fairen Lohn erhalten, verlassen sie sich auf Tipps für eine totale Tipps für faire Vergütungen für das Team (Guide, Assistant Guide, Cook und Porters) Branchenempfehlungen betragen 20 US -Dollar pro Tag bis zum Leitfaden, 15 USD pro Tag für Ihren Hilfsleitfaden und Cook und Cook und Cook und 8 $ pro Tag für jeden Ihrer Träger geteilt durch alle in der Reise.

    Um für jedes Besatzungsmitglied ein faires und transparentes Trinkgeld zu gewährleisten, wird es im Alpine Chat Adventure Office nach Ihrem Abstieg vom Berg eine Trinkgeldfeier geben. Umschläge werden bereitgestellt, um Ihre Tipps für jedes Mitglied der Besatzung zu teilen.

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    Why should you book with us?

    Alpine chat adventure focus on organizing tours with ethical and friendly approach, we are tour operator with handling experience and we deliver as per promise, safe& standard services. By supporting us as a local business all our tours benefit both local communities through fair wages and charitable outreach programs. The company also works to create employment opportunities for local porters and guides so as to eradicate poverty. You’re warmly welcome to our beautiful destination Tanzania, we assure you to make your dreams come true. TANZANIA UNFORGETABLE